Opening to the mystery of what lies ahead, while finding ways to deepen into loving and accepting myself.
A forever practice. Repairing all the ways I’ve rejected my tender being. This all seems counter intuitive.
I crave a solid foundation. I am yearning for organization.
I have been here before. I am not naturally organized, I am “comfortable” in chaos. I am starting to wonder if self love is the tool that is needed to create steady ground.
Can I melt my inner resistance towards myself enough to let the love seep in?
Would this soften the jagged edges and is that the whole point?
Is everything a vehicle for love?
And, is it true I don’t have to prove anything to let it in?
What other truths are there?
I want to get ahead of it.
I want to trust that I have the ability and resources to tend to my own needs - and thus others.
I am open to the mystery, to the wonder, to the healing.
May I remember I will not be given anything I cannot handle and that there is beauty in it all.
Wishing you all blessings ahead.